Amazon Prime Subscription Scam

The amazon prime subscription scam has been around for a while now. The scam involves the scammer making fake automated phone calls claiming to be from Amazon, telling customers their Prime subscription is due to expire, and that payment will be automatically taken from their account to renew it.

The recorded message asks you to press one to cancel or two to speak to customer services. The call then goes through to an Indian call center which includes a group of people waiting to scam you into claiming they are from Amazon.  They will ask you for your personal details and bank account details, they also may try and install some software on your mobile device or computer.

  1. Do not speak with anyone with an Indian accent claiming to be from Amazon
  2. Never share your personal or bank account details
  3. Do not allow anyone to install software or an app on your computer or mobile device
  4. Do not click on an amazon link included in an email, text message or WhatsApp message
  5. Report the issue to Amazon